I remember way back in 2000 when I was in San Francisco, California visiting friends. They had let me drive the Prius first generation hybrid car to the RedWood Forest which was like 35 miles north of San Francisco. It was a great experience to drive the hybrid car. I didnt notice any difference in hybrid car and it felt like a normal driving car. It had blinking lights on the dash counter that showed real time data on how much electricity it is generating. I thought it was cool to be in a Prius and drive it to the RedWood National Forest. Then, when we got there I drove carefully around towards the parking lot and there was a group of 30 naturalist people watching the RedWood. Then, they all turned and stared at us as I pulled up. They were all amazed. They seem to be distracted that they didnt hear a engine noise. We walked out of the car. The crowd came over and were asking many questions about the car. Many didnt even know there that the engine could be turned off and still drive quietly thru the tall majestic Redwood forest. It was cool to be there. It was so peaceful to have windows down and see nature as it was intended to be with no car noise. You have to really think to yourself. Where in the Universe can you find the most gigantic healthy beautiful trees? Here on Mother Earth. I am sure the RedWood forest appreciate it driving thru and around without putting out pollution in its leaves, trees, and all the plants around them. I remember told many people about this hybrid technology and some people thought it was a experimental car that was just only for greenest only. Now, people want this car because it makes them feel good. The Prius has came along way in which there technology has vastly improved in which the engine and space has expanded. When you drive in a hybrid car like Honda 2009 Hybrid also makes you feel like you living in 2009 in which mankind has thought out every problem that arises in terms of how energy is conserve and put into battery. Now, I hear all the car makers are finally going into hybrid technology. As a Native American, Ive seen so many people come to Native Americans and ask how they can conserve and find ways to go green and eat healthy. Back growing up that was part or way of life to always think ways to save. Now, People are starting to catch on and that commercial really hit me to see people so like control by gas companies and this car shows up and gives people incentive to start going green even in their everyday lives when they turn green and stand up. The Hurricane Katrina really woke up many people about going green because they saw how gas can change their ways of same ole gas guzzlers. Its awesome to stay green and think green because you empower more things in what you do in the long run like food, exercise, saving unique species, inventing greener technologies and of-course make a better place for MotherEarth to breath. :D