Sunday, May 15, 2011

George Carlin - Nature

Thats great to mentioned Hopi. He took the time to study and articulate something that some barely know what his talking about. Interesting!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


Geronimo is a Native American hero who protected his family,children,and people.

There is an significance when calling the Worlds Worst Terrorist after a Native American Hero. This is to look at all Native American Heroes who protect their family.

This applies a stigma that any Native person who protects their family will be label. This is the significance.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

9.0 Earthquake Japan

Amazing and scary to witness the power of nature for the 4th all time biggest earthquake. Even the nuclear power plant was not prepared for a tsunami that would wiped out its backup generators. This has been a learning experience and it seems we still have not gotten together as a countries to help each other quickly enough. Katrina, it took 5 days until they could bring a bottle of water or medicine to people. Now, Japan hasn't asked for help on its nuclear cooling system and next we all watch it blew up on cnn. Now were hoping that it dont spread nuclear contamination all over the place. This is also been considered worst incident than Three Mile Island. I think all Native Nations need to test their contingency plans and have back up fundings for food, medicine, and transportation. I think we also need a agreements among Native Nations to help with services.

Nature pushed the coast 8 feet from its original position. Then opened a gash 150 miles by 50 miles just 70 miles east of Japan coast. It just makes you wonder whats next and are we really prepared.

Also, its been said this huge earthquake also triggered a smaller volcano in southern Japan, Russia, and Indonesia .

Southern Japan


Finally, the US and Russia are stepping in to at least bring heavy equipment from around the world to at least cool down the reactor.

Worlds Largest Remote cement machine being loaded onto the Worlds Largest Antonov Russian cargo plane.
One being loaded from LAX California

Remote Cement Mixer being load Georgia

Left over Coke Cola machine that Tsunamni didnt move

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Getting Head Start on Nature

This dog got the heads up on the big Earthquake arriving.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Egyptian Protest

There is a huge protest that just started over Tuesday, January 25, 2011. After watching the news, it just started out simply by Facebook. A simple peace march that blew up into a huge international march demanding equal rights, removal of Mubarak, democracy, and jobs. Then the internet was disconnected and now even more tension. Twitter again is getting peoples word out on whats happening. Again another country trying to disconnect twitter. Its the power of the internet. Even a Google executive twitter guy is missing Facebook is changing the world because it is linking people feelings together and bypassing the newspapers who are mostly controlled by professional people who can make their papers sound diplomatic or toned down. Another amazing internet revolution that affected another country.  

Sunday, January 23, 2011

SuperVolcano at Yellowstone Bulging