Wednesday, September 25, 2024


How many more ships arrived to America or western hemisphere from 1492 to 1521 from Europe?

Between 1492 and 1521, the period saw a significant increase in the number of voyages from Europe to the Americas. Here’s a rough breakdown of the key expeditions: 

1. Christopher Columbus' Voyages (1492–1504):  
  • Columbus made four voyages during this period, leading to the initial European contact with the Caribbean islands. He sailed in 1492, 1493, 1498, and 1502. 
2. Spanish Exploration and Expansion: 
    Following Columbus, Spain sent numerous expeditions to further explore and settle the newly discovered territories. Key expeditions include: 
  • 1499–1500: Alonso de Ojeda, accompanied by Amerigo Vespucci, explored the northern coast of South America. 
  • 1500–1501: Pedro Álvares Cabral (Portuguese) reached Brazil. 
  • 1513: Juan Ponce de León explored Florida. 
  • 1513: Vasco Núñez de Balboa crossed the Isthmus of Panama and discovered the Pacific Ocean. 
  • 1519–1521: Hernán Cortés' expedition to Mexico resulted in the conquest of the Aztec Empire. 
3. Portuguese Exploration: Portugal also sent expeditions to Brazil after Cabral’s discovery in 1500, establishing a colonial presence. 

In terms of exact ship numbers, records aren’t always precise. However, we know that many explorers, settlers, and traders began frequenting the Caribbean, Central, and South American coasts during this period. By 1521, it is estimated that dozens of voyages, involving hundreds of ships, had occurred, with Spain being the dominant player in the region. 

 Key settlements and conquest efforts, such as the founding of Santo Domingo (1496), ensured a steady flow of ships. The early colonial expansion marked the start of a larger pattern of transatlantic voyages that accelerated through the century.

Saturday, August 1, 2020

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Standing Rock


Tuesday, September 16, 2014

People want more responsible Climate Environmental Earth

People want more responsible Climate Environmental for Earth. Theres been so much on the news about the climate changing and breaking records. Its a wake up call to think about human actions affecting the Earth. People are aware to start thinking about what we are doing to the Earth. This is good for Recycle, Reuse, Reduce campaign. One pollution is not going to stop the Earth on its heels. Its a accumulation of pollution and harm to the Earth environment that will gradually cause life on Earth to be unbalanced. People are being aware that we need to have a dialogue of 'Thinking Green'. 

Friday, November 2, 2012

Hurricane Sandy Relief

I suggest watching this. This is amazing to hear a New Yorker voice describing nature forces coming alive. This is realzing that Climate Change is real around your neighborhood in even New York City. 

Sunday, May 15, 2011

George Carlin - Nature

Thats great to mentioned Hopi. He took the time to study and articulate something that some barely know what his talking about. Interesting!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


Geronimo is a Native American hero who protected his family,children,and people.

There is an significance when calling the Worlds Worst Terrorist after a Native American Hero. This is to look at all Native American Heroes who protect their family.

This applies a stigma that any Native person who protects their family will be label. This is the significance.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

9.0 Earthquake Japan

Amazing and scary to witness the power of nature for the 4th all time biggest earthquake. Even the nuclear power plant was not prepared for a tsunami that would wiped out its backup generators. This has been a learning experience and it seems we still have not gotten together as a countries to help each other quickly enough. Katrina, it took 5 days until they could bring a bottle of water or medicine to people. Now, Japan hasn't asked for help on its nuclear cooling system and next we all watch it blew up on cnn. Now were hoping that it dont spread nuclear contamination all over the place. This is also been considered worst incident than Three Mile Island. I think all Native Nations need to test their contingency plans and have back up fundings for food, medicine, and transportation. I think we also need a agreements among Native Nations to help with services.

Nature pushed the coast 8 feet from its original position. Then opened a gash 150 miles by 50 miles just 70 miles east of Japan coast. It just makes you wonder whats next and are we really prepared.

Also, its been said this huge earthquake also triggered a smaller volcano in southern Japan, Russia, and Indonesia .

Southern Japan


Finally, the US and Russia are stepping in to at least bring heavy equipment from around the world to at least cool down the reactor.

Worlds Largest Remote cement machine being loaded onto the Worlds Largest Antonov Russian cargo plane.
One being loaded from LAX California

Remote Cement Mixer being load Georgia

Left over Coke Cola machine that Tsunamni didnt move

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Monday, January 31, 2011

Egyptian Protest

There is a huge protest that just started over Tuesday, January 25, 2011. After watching the news, it just started out simply by Facebook. A simple peace march that blew up into a huge international march demanding equal rights, removal of Mubarak, democracy, and jobs. Then the internet was disconnected and now even more tension. Twitter again is getting peoples word out on whats happening. Again another country trying to disconnect twitter. Its the power of the internet. Even a Google executive twitter guy is missing Facebook is changing the world because it is linking people feelings together and bypassing the newspapers who are mostly controlled by professional people who can make their papers sound diplomatic or toned down. Another amazing internet revolution that affected another country.  

Sunday, January 23, 2011

SuperVolcano at Yellowstone Bulging

Monday, November 8, 2010

Professional Bull Riders - 2010

I had went to this event PBR Finals in Las Vegas last Month October 2012. Check out Bones! I remember I was watching this bull. He had a facial expression of surprise when the rider sat on him on the big screen. I thought that this was the funniest thing I had ever seen. I never knew a bull could make a facial expression of surprise look. Then, you can see Bones ear goes back and ready to buck off the rider.  I saw this Bull leap up in the air. This was shocking. A 2000 lb bull that leaps up in the air like a cat. Top 5 Bull Riders was bucked off in 2 seconds flat.
Marchi (2008 PBR champion) ridden Bones and got bucked off in 2008, 2009, and last month 2010.

Its good to know whats happening in the Native community about rodeos. Recently they had suffered a setback from one of their own. A two time champion at the INFR and toughest cowboy, Nelson Tsosie, had passed on from reasons still under investigation. Support INFR.
If you ever do go to the PBR, you might meet the Dancing Clown who basically stole the show except Voodoo Child and Bushwacker.

Sunday, November 7, 2010


Awesome Concert! I just attended the CombiChrist concert last night and it was awesome! This band had alot of great music that is very futuristic. It reminds me of the songs from the last two films of Matrix Trilogy. The drummer likes to pour water on his drums and play thru it. The water would make splash each time he hit the drums which was just add to the chaos. The way ive discovered this band was thru watching a scary movie that looked interesting. The cover looked interesting and decided what is up with this movie since my birthday is on Halloween and spice it up! The movie is called "The Collector" about a month ago. It had an interesting plot that was really crazy. It basically was a plot between a burglar and a pycho in a house. The burglar becomes a victim doing what he does best is to rob the jews but finds himself that his the fly in the web. So the them of the music was interesting and next it was CombiChrist. They have a good sense of creating music that just fits the chaos order of the situation. I know one thing for sure is if your driving back from Las Vegas to Phoenix and very tired. Put in their track and it will keep you up! It just motivates you to do your best and "Never Surrender"(one of their music). Oh cool found a link of those photos and youtube of that concert! Here
There also good at making themes for situations (Youtube). God Warrior Youtube Link1 for Link2 

Uploaded by VEGAGIRL5. - Music videos, artist interviews, concerts and more.

The band before them was Ivardensphere. They played superb music that was very spiritual in nature. The beat was mixture of deep rooted traditional Japanese beat and I swear I also heard Navajo voice. This was my first time ever seeing a techno dance concert style with Ivardensphere. I never knew that he could just turn knobs and on this wired machine. That look like very wild with tons of wires all over the place on this machine. Similar to a machine picture below almost like a mainframe back in the 1950's with wires. It was very tribal music. Jam out!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Sunspot - July, 2010

This is a picture taken of the sun showing a sunspot in July 1,2, 2010 at Big Bear Solar Observatory. Its really great detail from the telescope in Big Bear National Park, CA. The Discovery Center is awesome to see and understand the Serrano Tribal Nation history.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010


okay, this is the year to get healthy!! The main goal is to just get healthy to do the fun stuff like walking and sight seeing. Theres so much to see out there. After visiting New York City past month. I was shocked and impressed that everyone was walking. They all looked like athletes and I didnt see any obese people. Its funny you dont hear that anywhere or maybe I just missed it on the news. I was surprise that every look fit and walking with good cloths too. So, I am like ive got to do something and get motivated. I already learning not to say "try" and change that to "will". I will work out this year and make it a normal habit of just generally being healthy. Its also part of being eating right also. Time to let go of the mcdonalds, sonic, and carls jr. Say hello to subway or supermarket with healthy food. This is all about health is the main goal. If you are really good at it then you can really excel yourself to do more. Launch date is July 5, 2009 because theres a group of people launching called "July 5 Start Date" to begin the long process of the 90 days workout on the P90X website community.