Thursday, December 31, 2009
I just saw Avatar and its a great movie. Its just like Native Americans but without the small pox that wiped out over 80 percent or more tribes. The movie would be considered like the movie "Pathfinder". I liked the technology and indigenous communities but wheres the natives or minorities? This just make it that Native Americans need to have their own technology space ship. haha can you imagine a hillbilly rezzies in a space ship? They might get those people on that blue planet drunk huh. Next they be all rezzed out? Who knows but I think it would be better. Too bad they took out that cool tree. I know Natives have trees that were 379.1(115.56 meter) feet tall high and over 3,500 years old.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Global Warming - Climate Change
Its amazing how people do not understand Global Warming. Just because it says its "Global Warming" meaning that the earth is warming up. Then people complain that the earth is not warming but cooling down. Global Warming is the overall terminology of the bigger picture. It includes the cooling down too meaning things will cool down more in record temperatures but is taking part in the process of Global Warming in the bigger picture. Global Warming means basically the whole world is messed up. There will be fluctuations in temperatures going up and down extremely but the main essence of the Earth is warming because of these massive temperature changes. The ice in north and south poles are melting but then freeze up quickly and show more snow. People are still confuse and say the earth is cooling down extreme and its cooling down but not Global Warming. It still considered Global Warming because this fast temperature only freezes the snow or ice bergs up in north and south pole thinly. That's the key word. Thinly. When you have massive ice that freezes thinly then its not a real quality original snow freeze as it once was in the past centuries. The more ice that freezes thinly then thats serious news because that means it will melt even faster than ever before. The qualityness of solid ice or ice bergs is gone. This is setting up for great catastrophe meaning it all could melt quickly or meaning New York could easily be under water just as quickly. Remember Global Warming does not happening slowly meaning water trickles down and melts. These are huge ice that are freezing thinly and all they need is a very hot record breaking temperatures and they will come tumbling down quickly like house of cards. This is serious stuff. There are many signs the Earth is melting very fast like more jellyfish in water, glaciers melting falling in oceans, more mosquitoes or bugs eating forest, rising sea levels in pacific ocean, glaciers ramming the ocean beach in Alaska, and more Hurricanes with higher force. The two word "Climate Change" is a word that describes extreme temperatures either high or low to satisfy people who cannot comprehend the words "Global Warming" who get confuse with the literal meaning. I think it should be change to "Global Climate Change Warming". Climate change to me sounds localized meaning the weather always changes when you look outside but Global Climate Change means this is serious situation that needs to be averted. We honestly do not know what we are doing to the Mother Earth. All this masses of water is being transferred to another place on Earth. We do not know what this will do to the the earth's tilt when we tilt 23 degrees during Winter. What does this mean? The earth is closer to the sun in our solar system during Winter. When we have huge transfer of weight to other sides of the world. Does this mean that this will slow down the earth spinning? Change our tilt 23 degrees every year for winter(which is why it gets darker early in evening)? Native Americans from all across the nations in America all talk about something happening to the earth from weather. Natives took care of the Earth for centuries and have traditions of observing. Ive heard that Natives had took care of the forests. I think Global Climate Change needs to be number priority. We need save the arctic from melting and slow it down. This neanderthal theory is real and true. People who do not think really do destroy their future because their too ignorant of the future. I remember 30 years ago when people talk about this from Roberta Blackgoat said this and Hopi Elders talk about this specifically down about how we are not suppose to be disturbing the Earths guts and that something will happen. Then one day a small storm cross Florida and came back as Hurricane and raised gas prices. Katrina was one of the worst storm on record and we do not want 100 Katrina's. Philippines this year saw 4 Hurricanes or Typhoons in one month alone in 2009. I hope all the countries figure a way to keep the Earth as it once was millions of years ago when things were great when the Earth was pure and in balance. The Copenhagen Climate Change conference needs to address this because billions of lives are at stake.
Monday, December 7, 2009
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Navajo Rug Show 2009
Here are some clips from the Navajo rug show in Salt Lake City, Utah on November 2009. This is the 20th anniversary of the rug show. These are the 3 founders of Navajo rug show who help with adopting the elder program.
Rosaita, 22 flew from Europe, found the elders on website and wanted to be adopted into navajo family. She was 19 and flew to Navajo rug show 2007. She was determined despite her parents objections. This is her 3rd year at Navajo rug show and painted this painting for the Navajo rug show. Actor Jay Tavare from movie "Pathfinder" attended Navajo rug show and also interested in helping the Apache youths in New Mexico with culture.
The local kids from the school came down to learn from the elders on the stories and culture. They even had car wash to donate to elder family for them to use for gas to drive from the Navajo reservation to show them how they weave for 400 dollars.
Rosaita, 22 flew from Europe, found the elders on website and wanted to be adopted into navajo family. She was 19 and flew to Navajo rug show 2007. She was determined despite her parents objections. This is her 3rd year at Navajo rug show and painted this painting for the Navajo rug show. Actor Jay Tavare from movie "Pathfinder" attended Navajo rug show and also interested in helping the Apache youths in New Mexico with culture.
The local kids from the school came down to learn from the elders on the stories and culture. They even had car wash to donate to elder family for them to use for gas to drive from the Navajo reservation to show them how they weave for 400 dollars.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Power of Religion
Important Things with Demetri Martin | ||||
Power - Creedocide | |||| | ||||
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Mercury in Fish
I just saw an article on Mercury in FISH. I was wondering how mercury got into fish and its all from coal power plants and dumping into water. Here is some stats quote " An estimated two-thirds of human-generated mercury comes from stationary combustion, mostly of coal. Other important human-generated sources include gold production, non-ferrous metal production, cement,production, waste disposal,, crematoria, caustic soda production, pig iron and steel production, mercury production (mostly for batteries), and biomass burning. It basically comes down to pollution. The Western Hemisphere was the most beautiful place in the Universe and now Neanderthals are poisoning the water and fish. We need more scrubbers and better technology to take responsibility of every waste. Its interesting to note that Chief Martin had talked about how their Tribal Nation invented the scrubber to clean the environment while at a AISES conference.We need to live in a more cleaner world.
News Article Mercury in Fish
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Prius - RedWood Forest
I remember way back in 2000 when I was in San Francisco, California visiting friends. They had let me drive the Prius first generation hybrid car to the RedWood Forest which was like 35 miles north of San Francisco. It was a great experience to drive the hybrid car. I didnt notice any difference in hybrid car and it felt like a normal driving car. It had blinking lights on the dash counter that showed real time data on how much electricity it is generating. I thought it was cool to be in a Prius and drive it to the RedWood National Forest. Then, when we got there I drove carefully around towards the parking lot and there was a group of 30 naturalist people watching the RedWood. Then, they all turned and stared at us as I pulled up. They were all amazed. They seem to be distracted that they didnt hear a engine noise. We walked out of the car. The crowd came over and were asking many questions about the car. Many didnt even know there that the engine could be turned off and still drive quietly thru the tall majestic Redwood forest. It was cool to be there. It was so peaceful to have windows down and see nature as it was intended to be with no car noise. You have to really think to yourself. Where in the Universe can you find the most gigantic healthy beautiful trees? Here on Mother Earth. I am sure the RedWood forest appreciate it driving thru and around without putting out pollution in its leaves, trees, and all the plants around them. I remember told many people about this hybrid technology and some people thought it was a experimental car that was just only for greenest only. Now, people want this car because it makes them feel good. The Prius has came along way in which there technology has vastly improved in which the engine and space has expanded. When you drive in a hybrid car like Honda 2009 Hybrid also makes you feel like you living in 2009 in which mankind has thought out every problem that arises in terms of how energy is conserve and put into battery. Now, I hear all the car makers are finally going into hybrid technology. As a Native American, Ive seen so many people come to Native Americans and ask how they can conserve and find ways to go green and eat healthy. Back growing up that was part or way of life to always think ways to save. Now, People are starting to catch on and that commercial really hit me to see people so like control by gas companies and this car shows up and gives people incentive to start going green even in their everyday lives when they turn green and stand up. The Hurricane Katrina really woke up many people about going green because they saw how gas can change their ways of same ole gas guzzlers. Its awesome to stay green and think green because you empower more things in what you do in the long run like food, exercise, saving unique species, inventing greener technologies and of-course make a better place for MotherEarth to breath. :D
Friday, July 31, 2009
Comet flew into Jupiter
This is truly amazing how no one caught in a telescope that a asteroid or comet flew inside the solar system and landed into Jupiter. Thank goodness we have Jupiter. Jupiter is so massive that its gravity actually pulls majors asteroids or comets to itself. Then it acts as a savior. We do no know how many times the past 4 billions of years since the earth was created that Jupiter pulled many asteroids or comets away from Earth. This just happened last week.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
World Freedom
World Wide events like Iran's Election shows people want freedom like America's Freedom. It doesnt even have to be exactly like America's freedom but even near. The past week has been very dramatic to witness how people value freedom. We natives in America have over 1,000 Native Nations across America before we were so-called discovered. We already celebrating freedom with each tribal people celebrating their own religion and native tongue language. Thats its important for natives to volunteer for native organizations to help the people.
Monday, June 15, 2009
I just had a thought about drinking that seems to be bug me. I just notice that natives are more successful if they don't drink and will excel more. That's basically it. It sounds simple but this is serious stuff meaning I think that drinking can actually destroy a generation of natives believe it or not. I know for sure that drinking can destroy a bond within a family between a man and women when a guy drinks. Unless that native gal has a addictive behavior to actually supply the beer. Now this bring in a whole set of weird behavior. This is where I stop about getting too much ghetto especially when living with someone and see bottles of beer laying around. That is too ghetto but some find it very normal but I am glad my mom institute values of preventing that type of behavior that is not normal.
I suggest native really look into drinking as being a major weapon to their demeanor or future successes. Drinking actually brings you into a false world where everything is "alright". I met alot of natives who could have become very successful but they were stuck in doing basic things like drinking and accepting things as there is. That is unacceptable to me. Drinking is a drug and same has mary jane. People seem to smoke it and again live in a world where everything is just "alright". I think natives needs to really understand why family bond is very important to protect family. A guy thinks he can drink and get away with it but his future generation "accepts" him as a failure or someone who just drinks and can handle it. This is still unacceptable simply because that kid or younger generation has no bond to move on to succeed in keeping a bond with others either in friends, family, or relationship. I don't accept friends or family near me who drink. Period. Its weird but it works. It allows me to focus on major issues on human rights, community development, education teaching of culture at university speaking, volunteering of nonprofit organizations, or networking to succeed to be creative entrepreneur. Some natives simply don't think this is possible to think like this. That's their failure to believe. It's just what Yoda said on Star Wars when Luke Skywalker could not lift his space craft from the swamp. I suggest native never drink or don't train their body to drink "once a month" or sustain a liquor in their system for period of time that is repeating. To me, drinking is one of the top 5 things that can destroy a native culture which is 1. drinking beer/liquor, 2. domestic abuse, 3. doing drugs, 4. being a hardcore non-native religious nut freak, and 5. being a hardcore right winger type following a conservative ideology. To me, these things will destroy a family in the long run and I am very serious about this. I will explain each more fully in my blog but for now I am focusing on why drinking is terrible to carry to family and friends. I never accept a phone call from friends who have a drinking tone voice. Never accept that type of their behavior to your world. To me, that is just too ghetto or disrespectful as person on how they look upon you in the future. Why did I all the suddenly spoke up about this. It just hit me how successful natives were back in 1930's or 40's. They all had a common goal to succeed to survive in the world in Olympics and WWII. Nowadays, I notice drinking seems to come back and bring out bad attitudes that they secretly harboring. This is one of the many reasons why drinking is bad. I am very serious about drinking or bottle can simply wipe out a generation of natives. It already has broken bonds that connects family. I suggest natives in future try to figure out ways to stop drinking on rez and further focus on preventing drinking behavior. I never drink myself. I might have had the same as the Pope takes wine during New Years once in 2 decades. It never appeal to me and my lifestyle prevented me to focus on a bottle. But, I noticed how powerful a bottle is compared to a drug that a native may take. I heard many stories how natives who were very successful and already achieved their success just drank 1 bottle and turned their life backwards forever either with meeting the wrong guy at a bar or drunk driving. The only beverages I drink is Ice tea, Coke, Pepsi, Sobe, water, fruit drink, and minute maid lemonade. I suggest natives who want to live a life of pure excitement in life where the sky is always blue and cool people respect you is not getting involve with drinking or drugs. People can still tell if you drink once a month believe or not by the way your slur of speech, redness of face, or behavior of denial attitude towards interest of conservations. Some native may laugh when I say sky is always blue but it sure is blue. I had a great child hood experience that I would not trade in for a zillion dollars. I have said this statement like thousands times. When you grew up as a kid, your senses are new and strive wanting to learn many new things growing up. I suggest natives stay this way because it will propel you thru bad times that makes it seem like it is a mosquito. You really realize how important you are compared to drinking rather than feeling sorry for self. When you are young, you're a seeker of new opportunities. This formula will propel you thru many bad times and create new opportunities either in jobs or new lasting bonds of friends or organizations. Why did I bring this up? Because I heard that many natives told me that I was unique. I was an only child and I always assumed all natives were like this. Then I found out growing up more that Natives have problems. I actually thought it can be solve easily but I found out that their bad experiences is rooted deeply in their values or core values or personalities. This is sad and is reason why I suggest natives find ways to be a warrior at a young age of being in a bubble of pursing happiness. I am very proud to be Native American. It's just not being proud but proud in a different way of being loyal or being carrying my ancient family roots ways. When, I met my family like my aunt and uncle late in life. They asked me if I conduct myself in high degree. I said, I always did but I do have my fantasy of crazy times which is my own right. hehe. I know how to have fun but I also know to never let myself be a "cheap" or "low-budget" or 3rd world behavior. I always felt in my gut that being native is more than material things. Its more about family ties and being loyal to nation to whole of educated elders or educated traditional natives. It could be my Maya blood, Navajo blood, or Aztec blood but I think its my Maya blood that drives me to always strive demand respect in any situation or how you conduct your love life. Its like building a huge a building or structure and that you show respect too because there's a responsible connection. Or my Navajo blood that you go about it the right way and talk about it openly if you have questions. That's where I am talking about. Natives need to find that responsibilities connection to conduct their love life to a higher degree meaning not being extinct basically. It may appear too strong but its real or this is what actually makes future generation survive. If natives were numbered in billions like other races then it seem like it would be not useful but still again. It has to do with keeping the native blood live forever in the right direction. I felt in my heart I had to say this because I have not read it anywhere yet. So, I thought I just say what's on my mind on this new blog.
Native Movies - Apocalypto
Okay now! I am back on my own website after Yahoo blog went out of commission or basically downgraded to footnote on my page. So, I am decided to turn my blog into a real blog how bout that!
Okay.. I saw a movie a year ago and I never was able to post a comment. Its called Apocalypto. What a complicated screen title to name a movie about Maya people. Maya is a simple word to remember and rolls off tongue just right. But Apocalypto, you will keep saying it many ways. This movie is a joke except there are certain things in the movie that are very much real. I thought the whole movie was good start to get on the map of movies but again we are back in 1940's but this time with color. I even bought the dvd and listen to the directors comments about the movie. It was interesting to hear because I am Maya on my grand father side. So, I thought I would really listen to the movies actualy stuff. You know in this day of age, a native gets happy just putting a real native in movie and thats sad in this day of age to be excited about that there are real natives on a major motion picture movie. I actually thought that the natives were either part Maya or at least full Maya something to more authenticity to it. But, I found out that they were Canadians Natives eh. hehe. They still were cool but were tall but that fit the look of the ancient hierglyphs paintings. The Maya elder was real and the painting of the walls when the capture slaves walking thru was real after reading what the DVD commentary said. That was cool part of the movie. To me, It was like a 20 minute documentary film of Maya and rest was just plan science fantasy fiction by Mel Gibson and Mickey Mouse(Disney Land owns Touchstone Pictures). You know Disney or Mickey Mouse always tries to patent something about Native Americans especially Pocohantas and now Maya since the 2012 Calender is coming up. I remembered watching a documentary of an art director who was asked to create or draw the most beautiful native women in cartoon. But it sounds great huh but not really because you see Disney wants to patent. So, if your native and want to draw a native women then disney might be there to take that drawing away from you. Same way with Maya people, disney is making own version of Maya history and patenting it. Disney is always fascinated in turning people or animals into german soldiers meaning they all bark the same order or bow down at the same time. They had the Maya priest made it appear that everyone was on drugs and were in awe. I never seen native people act like that any where on Western Hemisphere. Mel Gibson got the priest to wave his hand and arms around like Moussiliani and Hitler. Gee, Excellent choice of dictators to make Maya people proud. I remembered when the movie first came out, they actually showed a baby being thrown up in air and some Maya warrior caught it with a spear. Then I went to the movie again about month later and they removed the scene. So, Disney micky mouse is really desperate for some cash. Then, the ending was way way way off by about 1500 years when Europeans showed up in a boat. They didnt look hungry and lost? wonder why Mel Gibson. So, using Mels Gibson logic or Mickey Mouse Disney logic, if we are 1500 years off.. then lets get a Maya flying a jet shooting at the boats and native with flame thrower waiting at shores. We need more Native movies to really give you a feeling of appreciation. I swear this movie felt like a comedy you know the air plane or those wayne brothers movies.
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