Monday, June 15, 2009

Native Movies - Apocalypto

Okay now! I am back on my own website after Yahoo blog went out of commission or basically downgraded to footnote on my page. So, I am decided to turn my blog into a real blog how bout that!
Okay.. I saw a movie a year ago and I never was able to post a comment. Its called Apocalypto. What a complicated screen title to name a movie about Maya people. Maya is a simple word to remember and rolls off tongue just right. But Apocalypto, you will keep saying it many ways. This movie is a joke except there are certain things in the movie that are very much real. I thought the whole movie was good start to get on the map of movies but again we are back in 1940's but this time with color. I even bought the dvd and listen to the directors comments about the movie. It was interesting to hear because I am Maya on my grand father side. So, I thought I would really listen to the movies actualy stuff. You know in this day of age, a native gets happy just putting a real native in movie and thats sad in this day of age to be excited about that there are real natives on a major motion picture movie. I actually thought that the natives were either part Maya or at least full Maya something to more authenticity to it. But, I found out that they were Canadians Natives eh. hehe. They still were cool but were tall but that fit the look of the ancient hierglyphs paintings. The Maya elder was real and the painting of the walls when the capture slaves walking thru was real after reading what the DVD commentary said. That was cool part of the movie. To me, It was like a 20 minute documentary film of Maya and rest was just plan science fantasy fiction by Mel Gibson and Mickey Mouse(Disney Land owns Touchstone Pictures). You know Disney or Mickey Mouse always tries to patent something about Native Americans especially Pocohantas and now Maya since the 2012 Calender is coming up. I remembered watching a documentary of an art director who was asked to create or draw the most beautiful native women in cartoon. But it sounds great huh but not really because you see Disney wants to patent. So, if your native and want to draw a native women then disney might be there to take that drawing away from you. Same way with Maya people, disney is making own version of Maya history and patenting it. Disney is always fascinated in turning people or animals into german soldiers meaning they all bark the same order or bow down at the same time. They had the Maya priest made it appear that everyone was on drugs and were in awe. I never seen native people act like that any where on Western Hemisphere. Mel Gibson got the priest to wave his hand and arms around like Moussiliani and Hitler. Gee, Excellent choice of dictators to make Maya people proud. I remembered when the movie first came out, they actually showed a baby being thrown up in air and some Maya warrior caught it with a spear. Then I went to the movie again about month later and they removed the scene. So, Disney micky mouse is really desperate for some cash. Then, the ending was way way way off by about 1500 years when Europeans showed up in a boat. They didnt look hungry and lost? wonder why Mel Gibson. So, using Mels Gibson logic or Mickey Mouse Disney logic, if we are 1500 years off.. then lets get a Maya flying a jet shooting at the boats and native with flame thrower waiting at shores. We need more Native movies to really give you a feeling of appreciation. I swear this movie felt like a comedy you know the air plane or those wayne brothers movies.

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